《肉眼看星空》(英文原版)Bob King(作者)-epub+mobi+azw3

2018年9月8日16:44:06 发表评论 1,258 views

《肉眼看星空》(英文原版)Bob King(作者)-epub+mobi+azw3


Understand and Enjoy the Wonders of the Stars with Fun Activities for the Whole Family

Gain a deeper appreciation of the universe and our place in it with Night Sky with the Naked Eye. Learn how to spot the International Space Station, follow the moon through its phases, forecast an aurora and watch a meteor shower along with traditional night sky activities such as identifying the bright planets, stars and constellations. Fun activities embrace modern technology with the best apps and websites that make it easy for anyone to observe the greatest spectacles of the sky without a telescope or other expensive equipment.

An expert in his field, Bob King teaches night sky courses and makes cosmic mysteries practical and accessible for skywatchers new and old. Understand what makes stars twinkle and where meteors come from in this complete guide to the heavens. Unique illustrations and stunning photos help the reader understand the concepts presented. Tips on how to photograph satellites, eclipses and the aurora are also included. Unravel the secrets of the universe while deepening your appreciation of its beauty through this clear and concise guide.


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: